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Gantt chart

Gantt chart

A Gantt chart, also known as a bar chart or bar graph, is a graphical representation of timelines for projects.

Goal achievement level

Goal achievement level

Goal achievement level is a measure of the extent to which project goals have been or are being achieved. It can be expressed as a percentage of achieved goals in relation to the total number of goals.

Goal change

Goal change

Goal change occurs when the defined project goals are altered, often due to customer requests or changing conditions such as laws.

Goal definition

Goal definition

Goal definition is the process of identifying, evaluating, and specifying project goals.

Goal development

Goal development

Goal development encompasses the formulation and communication of project goals.

Goal finding

Goal finding

Goal finding refers to the totality of processes leading to the selection and concretisation of project goals.

Goal system

Goal system

The goal system is a structured collection of all project goals and their relationships to each other.

Goal-directed relationships

Goal-directed relationships

Goal-directed relationships describe the relationship between different project goals. These relationships can be competitive or complementary.

Goals of the Kanban method

Goals of the Kanban method

Improving productivity and quality, maximising production flexibility, avoiding waste and eliminating rejects.

GRPI model

GRPI model

The GRPI model is an approach to improve teamwork, encompassing four key elements: Goals, Roles, Processes, and Interpersonal.