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Iceberg model of communication

Iceberg model of communication

The iceberg model of communication illustrates that communication consists of superficial and deeper levels of meaning. The visible "tip of the iceberg" represents the obvious message, while the submerged parts represent the underlying emotions, motives and implicit messages. The model helps to minimise misunderstandings and make communication more effective.



Impediments are barriers or disruptive factors that affect the team's performance or individual team members, questioning the achievement of the Sprint Goal.



Implementation is the process of translating and executing a planned project. Resources are allocated, activities are coordinated, and steps are taken to achieve the defined goals.



An Increment is a usable and tested partial product created after each Sprint in Scrum. It corresponds to the Definition of Done and serves the achievement of the overarching Product Goal.

Incremental approach

Incremental approach

The incremental approach to project management refers to an approach where the project is divided into small, manageable parts (called increments). Each increment progresses through the phases of the project life cycle, contributing incrementally to the overall completion of the project as it represents potentially deliverable deliverables. Agile project management uses the term "increments". Each increment represents a significant part of the value added to the overall product.

Informal communication

Informal communication

Informal communication is the unplanned but often effective exchange of information that takes place alongside formal communication. It is not prescribed or organisationally regulated and can promote flexibility and adaptability.



Information serves to eliminate uncertainties and facilitate decision-making. It helps assess the probability of various possible events.

Information flows

Information flows

Information flows describe the way in which information is exchanged within an organisation. They are an important aspect of information system.

Information management

Information management

Information management deals with target group-oriented and needs-based information distribution to all project participants and serves the control and documentation of the project.

Information system

Information system

An information system includes all methods and technologies necessary for communication within the project team and with its environment.

Initialisation process

Initialisation process

The initialisation process, also called the start process, is the first process step in a project. It defines the basic goals and requirements, plans the project, evaluates the feasibility, resources, scope, and added value of the project. The execution process follows the initialisation process.

Intercultural competence

Intercultural competence

Intercultural competence refers to the ability to interact and work effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds. It includes understanding cultural differences, adaptability, and the ability to minimise misunderstandings. Especially in the execution of international projects, high intercultural competence at the leadership level is advantageous.



Interdisciplinary describes a team or work area where experts from different fields collaborate. Also referred to as cross-functional.



An interface is a technical term describing the connection between different systems or components. It serves to facilitate interaction and communication between the components.

Internal project

Internal project

In an internal project, the initiator comes from the same company that is carrying out the project. A formal contract is usually not required.

Interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal relationships are characterised by mutual communication, understanding and empathy.

INVEST criteria

INVEST criteria

INVEST criteria are guidelines for good requirements in projects. They stand for independent, negotiable, valuable, estimable, short, and testable.

Investment project

Investment project

An investment project refers to the construction or production of fixed assets.

Iron triangle

Iron triangle

Iron triangle represents the three main objectives of a project: time, cost, and performance.



Iterative is an approach in project development where processes are repeated several times to gradually improve a project or product.