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Management by projects

Management by projects

Management by projects is a method where companies organise their activities in the form of projects. This approach increases flexibility, allows for quick adjustments, promotes learning, and facilitates changes in the organisation.

Matrix organisation

Matrix organisation

In a matrix organisation, employees have both a head of department and a project manager to whom they report. This promotes the efficient utilisation of resources and enables employees to work on different projects at the same time.



A milestone is an important event in the project that marks a specific point in time (e.g., an interim acceptance) and itself has no duration. It serves as a reference point for tracking the progress of the project.

Milestone plan

Milestone plan

A milestone plan provides an overview of the temporal arrangement of key events in the project. It is used to review the project's progress.

Milestone scheduling

Milestone scheduling

Milestone scheduling involves identifying and defining important stages or milestones in the project. Milestones mark significant progress or achievements and serve as reference points for rough scheduling, event transparency, project monitoring, control, and communication.

Milestone trend analysis

Milestone trend analysis

Milestone trend analysis, also known as MTA, tracks the development of important events in the project over time. It uses a milestone trend diagram that shows when these milestones are expected to be reached. The x-axis shows the observation times, while the y-axis shows the expected (forecast) occurrence times of the milestones.



A mind-map is a graphical representation that shows how different concepts or ideas are interconnected.



Monitoring involves the continuous monitoring of processes to assess the progress or condition of a project.

MoSCoW method

MoSCoW method

The MoSCoW method is a prioritisation technique used in defining requirements in a project. The letters stand for "Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have," helping distinguish essential requirements from less critical or optional aspects.



Motivation refers to the reasons that drive project team members to fulfil their tasks. These can be positive or negative as well as extrinsic or intrinsic.

Multi project management

Multi project management

Multi project management refers to the coordinated planning and coordination of several parallel projects. It aims to optimise resource utilisation, adhere to schedules, and achieve results to create synergies and minimise conflicts.

Multi project manager

Multi project manager

A multi project manager is a person responsible for coordinating and managing multiple projects within a company or organisation. This person oversees resource allocation, interdependent projects, and their risks to ensure that overall goals are achieved.