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Agile planning
Project management method focused on rapid adaptation to change and flexibility. Unlike traditional project planning, which is based on predefined processes, agile planning uses an iterative and incremental approach where goals and priorities can be constantly adjusted.
Amount of work
The estimated time needed to complete a specific task or activity within the project. This value is important to measure the progress of the project and to ensure that resources are used efficiently.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the use of technologies and algorithms that enable computers to perform human-like tasks. In project management, for example, AI can be used to automate processes, create predictive models, detect deviations in the course of a project or analyse data.
Competence management
The process of identifying, developing and managing the skills and competences of project members. In project management, good competence management is important to ensure that the project team has the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the project successfully.
Different tasks or activities that may influence and affect each other. The relationships between these tasks and activities must be carefully planned and coordinated to ensure project success.
In the Scrum framework, epics refer to a type of user story that is larger and more comprehensive than a typical user story and also cannot be implemented directly. Epics provide a way to break complex projects into smaller, more manageable pieces and give the team a higher level of context and understanding of the overall goal of the project.
Framework conditions
The totality of conditions under which the project is implemented. These include, for example, the economic situation of the project executing agency, the political situation or the prices on the sales and procurement markets.
The project is directed towards a specific goal. Every project should have a clear goal that the team is working towards. Goal-oriented planning and implementation is crucial for the success of a project.
Hybrid project management
An approach that combines elements of different project management methods and techniques to take advantage of each approach and adapt it to the needs of a particular project. It is a combination of traditional (e.g. waterfall) and agile project management methods or a combination of agile methods and frameworks.
Influencing factors
Factors that can influence the progress or outcome of a project. These include time, resources, budget, risks and stakeholders.
Launch of the project: Official announcement and enactment of the objectives and regulations for the project.
Detailed planning of tasks and activities at a level below the overall project plan. Micro-planning can help to increase project efficiency and ensure that each team member completes their tasks within the given timeframe.
Event of particular importance (e.g. completion of a subtask, interim acceptance).
Multi-project management
Coordination of deadlines, use of resources, performance targets, etc. between several projects in order to exploit synergy effects and avoid mutual disruptions.
Normal distribution
Mathematical function for describing data distributions. It is the most commonly used distribution in probability theory and statistics. In project management, the normal distribution can be used, for example, to predict the duration of tasks or to assess risks.
Structured division of the project into individual sections with clear objectives and milestones. Phases can help to better track the progress of the project and minimise the risk of delays and errors.
Planning horizon
Period of time for which a detailed project plan is prepared. A longer planning horizon can help to minimise uncertainties in the course of the project and ensure a long-term orientation of the project.
Project that is essentially characterised by the uniqueness of the conditions in their entirety - e.g. objective, time, financial, personnel and other limitations, differentiation from other projects and project-specific organisation.
Project management
Includes the application of management methods and tools (administration task), leadership techniques and concepts (leadership task) as well as the integration of the competences of those involved in the project (organisation task) in order to ensure effective and efficient project implementation and to achieve the project objectives.
The main tasks of project management are to analyse, plan, direct, monitor, manage, control and document all aspects of a project from project definition through to project implementation and completion, and to lead and motivate all project participants to achieve project objectives (deliver the promised service within the specified time and cost framework) and to deliver projects successfully.
Project planning
The process of defining, organising and allocating tasks and resources to a project to ensure that it is completed within the specified objectives and timeframe.
Resource management
Strategic planning and management of the resources needed to carry out a project. These resources may include human, financial, equipment, technology or material.
Possible events or situations with negative effects (damage) on the project outcome as a whole, on individual planning variables or events that may raise new unforeseen and harmful aspects.
Project risk: Risk that may jeopardise the planned course of the project or the project objectives.
Risk assessment
Evaluation of the probability of occurrence and impact of risks in order to take measures to avoid or reduce them.
Rolling planning
A project planning approach in which the plan is regularly updated to reflect new information, changes or problems. In doing so, the original plan is taken as a starting point and maintained through continuous review and adjustment.
Scrum Team
Small team of employees without sub-teams or hierarchies. Consists of a Scrum Master, a Product Owner and Developers; usually 10 or fewer people. The Scrum Team is interdisciplinary and self-organised.
Skill management
The process of identifying, assessing and developing the skills of team members to ensure that the project team has the necessary skills to deliver the project successfully.
Time-boxed iteration in which the Scrum events (Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective) are processed and the ideas of the Product Owner are converted into valuable results (= Increments). A sprint lasts a maximum of one month, and a new sprint begins directly after the previous sprint has been completed.
Waterfall planning
Sequential project management method in which each project phase must be completed before the next phase can begin. The waterfall method is linear and progressive and assumes that the project requirements are fully known in advance.
The work done by a team or unit in a given period of time. It is important to measure workload to ensure that resources are used efficiently and to avoid overload.
Work package
Smallest unit in the work breakdown structure that is not subdivided further and can be at any level of detail. Work packages describe the activities required to complete a specific task. Alongside these activities, an estimate of duration and cost is recorded. Ideally, work packages are defined as self-contained elements of performance that are distinct and linked to other work packages in a clear and simple manner. It is assigned to at least one work package manager. The aim is the manageable bundling of services for specification / tender, offer, order / contract, execution and billing.
Work progress
The degree to which a particular task or activity in a project is completed. Work progress is usually expressed as a percentage of the total effort or as time and is used to monitor the progress of the project.