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Exercises "Sprint Retrospective"


Here you will find the definitions of the most important terms from this chapter.

Sprint Retrospective

Opportunity for Developers to improve productivity and processes in a Sprint, usually takes place after the Sprint Review and before the start of the next Sprint. Developers have the opportunity to review the Sprint and provide feedback during the Sprint Retrospective.

Lessons learned

These are all the insights that are gained and lessons that are learned from experience. These lessons can be positive or negative. Lessons learned should be used in the future to improve the quality (of the project/ work/ environment, etc.).

Plus-Delta method

Method whereby the Developers evaluate from their point of view what went well during a Sprint (Plus) and where they see potential for improvement (Delta).

Test yourself

Please answer the following questions independently. Take your time and think carefully about what you want to answer before having a look at the solutions.

When does the Sprint Retrospective take place?

The Sprint Retrospective takes place after the Sprint Review of the Sprint and before the start of the new Sprint. The Sprint Retrospective marks the end of a Sprint.

Who convenes the Sprint Retrospective?

Just like the Sprint Review, the Sprint Retrospective is also convened by the Scrum Master. He is responsible for ensuring that the Sprint Retrospective takes place and that all Developers and the Product Owner are informed about it.

What is the focus of the Sprint Retrospective?

The Sprint Retrospective focuses on the way of working. It is the Developers' turn at this point to give feedback on the Sprint.

What is the primary purpose of the Sprint Retrospective?

It is primarily used by the Developers to improve productivity and processes, but the entire Scrum Team can also benefit from the Sprint Retrospective.

Under what circumstances may a Developer be directly criticised in the Sprint Retrospective?

No individual may be directly criticised or praised during the Sprint Retrospective. The team of Developers is in focus and should get feedback as a team.

What questions should the Developers ask themselves?
  • What went well during the Sprint?
  • What went not so well during the Sprint?
  • How can we improve?
Why should the Sprint Retrospective not be skipped?

Skipping the Sprint Retrospective would mean that the project is not a continuous Scrum project, and the Scrum Team would also miss the opportunity to improve the Developers' qualifications. With each Sprint Retrospective, the Developers have the opportunity to reflect on the previous Sprint and to work out what went well and what went not so well. In this way, they can improve themselves and increase the quality of the project Sprint by Sprint.

What is the maximum length of the Sprint Retrospective?

The Sprint Retrospective may last a maximum of 3 hours.